This is everywhere, and Oct 7 has disillusioned many, in my conversations, even the less religious. It often goes back to https://quran.com/2/120, and the increasing realization many are having that you will never actually be accepted as long as you maintain a tether to your religion. Its why even people like Shadi had a double take after the rapid mainstream-ization of genocidal rhetoric after Oct 7 (In reality, it was always there, and why I think any atttempt to ally with the right is utterly deluded).

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I agree that there's a shift since Oct 7, but I think we have yet to see how substantial it is. I think it's a step in the broader phenomenon as the kulturkampf is heating up, and people aren't be able to stay in unless they take extreme positions. That mans that if you're Muslim, you can't be a secular Muslim, you feel a pull to go into it all the way and let it define you. Something similar might be the case for other religious communities, or people of various sexual identities. It's the pattern of the ascetic. You can't ever be pure enough.

This is one of the reasons why the alliance with the right (which is something Dragoman has written on) won't work for Muslims in the West. The right-wing Judeo-Christian position is going to gravitate towards an anti-Muslim civilizational politics.

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