Kültürkampf is a blog on political culture (the name is an amalgamation of the German Kulturkampf and the Turkish cognate kültür).

Most of the essays are on Turkey or Turkey-adjacent topics. I usually use some kind of source material to write them: a poem, a clip of stand up comedy, a popular TV show, or some personal experience. I’ll translate if necessary, then discuss.

I also write plenty about elections, foreign policy, and all that stuff.

The essays are mostly free, and for paid subscribers there’s a weekly “Notebook” post, wherein I write about the things I’ve been reading and watching.

On the podcast,

and I talk about politics (paid) and sometimes we have guests on (free).

About me

I’m an analyst at the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) and a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI). I have written on Turkish politics for publications such as the New York Times, War on the Rocks, and The Atlantic, and have a book that’s due to come out in early 2025.

I am also a scholar of political ideas, currently doing a PhD on Nietzsche.

You can can follow me on twitter @SelimKoru if you want to, but I’m almost never there. If you want to contact me, subscribe to the newsletter and just respond to any email you get.

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political culture with a Turkish twist


Writes about political ideas, Turkish culture etc.
Interested in nationalism, humanitarianism, development, citizenship, neoliberalism, Turkish and Kurdish politics. PhD on the operation of humanitarianism and international development in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Oxford History MPhil student, Princeton 2024. Words/commentary in Amerika Ovozi, The Associated Press, Baku Research Institute, The Daily Princetonian, Kültürkampf, and The New Lines Institute for Strategy and Policy.