Hi folks,
I’d like to take stock for a moment.
Kültürkampf is a blog, on Turkish culture, political theory, current affairs, and TV shows I like.
It’s been up since April 2022. It has grown considerably over the years, and it occurs to me that some of the newer subscribers might be interested in older posts.
Meanwhile, older subscribers might want to discuss the content on here.
So I’ve done two things.
I’ve listed some of the top posts by category below. This will help you browse and read some of the most popular pieces.
I’ve opened the comments section of this post to everybody (as opposed to paid members only). Which posts did you like the most? What would you like to see more of? What don’t you like? Share your thoughts! If you don’t want to engage in the comments section, feel free to just reply to this email.
I’m thinking about Kültürkampf’s next phase, and I’d love to hear from you. I’ll keep this post pinned on the website and update it periodically. Feel free to chime in whenever you feel like it!
If you enjoy these posts and would like to help me write more of them, please share them, or better yet, become a paid subscriber!
I love writing this blog, and I’m just getting started.
Below are the categories and links to previous posts.
On famous Islamists
These are posts where I zoom in on famous Islamist/Anatolianist figures in Turkey’s past and present.
On the politics of the Turkish language
I like to unpack language as it relates to politics. The “Language of New Turkey” series explains specific political terms, “Turkey vs. Türkiye” looks at the country’s name change policy, “Words of Power” is about the words we use in Turkish to describe those in political power.
Speak, memory
Believe it or not, but sometimes I go outside, experience things, then write about them.
Cultural trends
These are pieces on broad trends, like social media, or the politics of holiday celebrations.
On faith, Islam and the diaspora
These are pieces about Muslim diasporas in the West, and Muslim migrants to Turkey.
On poetry and music
Sometimes I translate poetry. It’s not necessarily the kind that appeals to me, but the kind that’s politically significant. I’ve also written about Arabesque music. Sometimes I also share music under the “Reading, Watching, Listening” series for paid subscribers.
On media
These are pieces where I write about a particular program on TV, or coverage of a particular event. There’s more of this in the “Reading, Watching, Listening” series for paid subscribers.
Guest posts
Sometimes I’ll trick smart people into writing for Kültürkampf. I’ve got more coming up.
Just politics (in Turkey, mostly)
Some of you aren’t really interested in language, poetry music, or religion, you just want the politics. If that’s you, thank you for making it all the way down here! Below are some essays just on politics.
I also write the occasional “Political Analysis” posts, as well as the “Election Analysis” series ahead of the 2023 race. Most of that content is behind the paywall.
I find that overall your blog is very enjoyable and illuminating. The list above looks very comprehensive in terms of Turkish politics. If I could wish for a fancy issue for you to write about, it would probably be the left parties galaxy in Turkey (let's say those that have been inside or around HDP recently), both historically (1965-1980 and 2002-2014) and nowadays.
Congratulations and thank you!
Thanks, I do need to go back to some of these.
I think I find the politics of language posts the most interesting, but I read everything you send. "A Turk in Palestine" was memorable for the personal touch.
I do appreciate the "what I'm reading/watching" posts, even though I forget to come back and comment if I actually watch any of the recommendations. I tracked down "Ahlat Ağacı" a couple of months back and enjoyed it; probably should have mentioned that while it was still fresh in memory.
I'm currently watching "Kübra" on Netflix, who seem to have made a deal with Çağatay Ulusoy that he is the only Turkish male actor permitted in a lead role.